I wake up a widower – mi sveglio vedovo – mă trezesc văduv

trilingual text

Mornings in the veins, dance the peacocks a mating ritual
The moments have a tic; I remain a silent, the sum of silences
The afternoons distilled me in boilers by brass
until I forget who I was, I forget my name
The sunsets dressing me in the groom of the night, the bride is a false echo
she hypocritical timid and by nature capricious
Hourglasses elongated twisted and reversed by unmindful hands
those shaking my expectations, disturb my emotions…
until dawn, coming secretly and kissing me wet on the front
above, planting me… forests hoary…
Barely open his eyes, with the key, as a tinned food, or bottles
and every time I wake up a widower … naked through the haze

I wake up, a widower  (much better version of the translation, from my good friend Michaela)

mating peacocks dance through my veins in the mornings
the moment has a tic to it, mine is the silent tac, the epitome of silence
my afternoons distill me in copper tanks
until I forget who I was, until I forget my name
the evenings dress me as the groom of the night, the bride an echo, an illusiont
an two faced, shy … and moodiness by character

twisted elongated hourglasses turned by distracted hands
churn my waiting, disturb my feelings
until the dawn sneaks in and places a wet kiss on my brow,
planting above me the hoary forests
I open my eyes with difficulty, with the can opener, as one would open cans or bottles
and every time I wake up, I wake up a widower, empty and naked surrounded by mist


Le mattine nelle vene i pavoni danzano il rituale d’accoppiamento
L’attimo ha un tic, rimane a me di tacere, la somma dei silenzi
Gli pomeriggi mi distillano nelle caldaie d’ottone
finche mi scordo chi ero, mi scordo il proprio nome
Gli tramonti mi vestono nello sposo della notte, la sposa è un eco ingannevole
timida ipocritamente e capricciosa per natura
Clessidre allungate contorte e ribaltati dalle mani incurante
stanno scuotendo le mie attese, disturbando le emozioni…
fino all’alba, venendo di nascosto, e baciandomi sull’umida fronte
sopra, piantandomi foreste canute …
Malapena ad aprire gli occhi, con la chiave, come le scatole o bottiglie
e ogni volta mi sveglio vedovo … nudo attraverso la foschia


dimineţile prin vene dansează păuni ritualul împerecherii
clipa are un tic, mie-mi rămâne să…tac, suma tăcerii
amiezile mă distilează-n cazane de-aramă
până uit cine-am fost, până uit cum mă cheamă
amurgurile mă-mbracă-n mirele nopţii, mireasa-i ecou amăgire
făţarnic timidă şi …capricioasă din fire
clepsidre alungite răsucit şi-ntoarse de mâini neatente
îmi vântură aşteptări, îmi tulbură sentimente…
până ce zorii vin pe furiş şi mă sărută jilav pe frunte
deasupra plantându-mi cu sârg păduri tot mai cărunte…
greu deschid ochii, cu cheia, ca pe conserve sau sticle
şi de fiecare dată mă trezesc văduv… gol, printre pâcle

sito internet

29 de gânduri despre „I wake up a widower – mi sveglio vedovo – mă trezesc văduv

  1. Marriage is of souls, not of paperwork. Once eyes consumate forever consumated. Honey is of the moon. Renewed nightly, sometimes humble, sometimes vibrant, sometimes full and sometimes shy, but forever moon.


  2. I am guessing again. I am very practical it is what it is tryig to learn a new view point communication here. New I cans are found here. Forinsics not needed for evey little detail. Our ability does notnot require it when un opressed from oppression.


  3. 3 words. one expression. WOW.
    i love it when people bring in a medley of emotions in a poem and make it look so perfect and balanced.
    p.s- i left this place with a huge smile 🙂


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