I drink me – Mi bevo – Mă beau

trilingual text: English, Italian and Romanian language

you drink; you drink secretly, phosphorescent waters and synthetical tobacco
you drink holograms of arched nipples
you drink subliminal radical powerlessness of an era precarious
fed up, you get to make a small revolution, the cat’s tail is longer than the cat
you write secretly novels for the Death, there singing lingered, like any drunk and
insults, insults, insults by mother the mother of earth
outside, somewhere, men go with your head too uncovered…


Bevi, bevi di nascosto le acque fosforescente e tabacco sintetico
Bevi ologrammi di capezzoli arcuati
Bevi subliminale le impotenze radicali di un’epoca precaria
Stufo, ti metti a fare una piccola rivoluzione, la coda del gatto è più lunga del gatto
Di nascosto scrivi romanzi per la Morte, le stai cantando indugiato, come qualsiasi ubriacone e
insulti, insulti, insulti di madre la madre terra
al di fuori, da qualche parte, gli uomini passano con la testa troppo scoperta…


Bei, bei pe ascuns, bei ape fosforescente și tutun sintetic
Bei holograme de gurguie țuguiate
Bei subliminal impotențele radicale ale unui ev precar
Sătul, o pui de-o revoluție, coada mâței e mai lungă decât mâța
Scrii în taină romane Morții, îi cânți lălăit, ca orice bețiv de viață și
înjuri, înjuri, înjuri mama ei de mamă a pământului
Undeva pe afară trec oameni cu capul prea descoperit…

17 gânduri despre „I drink me – Mi bevo – Mă beau

  1. I just love your effortless stream of poetry. The poet however appears to be in absolute constant tension and contradiction, a parody between yearning to Love like Christ all the more, whilst fighting an angry raging war within, falling so absolute short of Loving in the insults ~ for the judging.
    Love it.


  2. I just love your effortless stream of poetry. The poet however appears to be in absolute constant tension and contradiction, a parody between yearning to Love like Christ all the more, whilst fighting an angry raging war within, falling so absolutely short of Loving, in the insults ~ for the judging.
    Love it.


  3. This is a really nice read, to me it is as if I can understand it but also not comprehend it fully at the same time – if that makes any sense. I hope to read more soon. Thank you for stopping by my blog~ 🙂


  4. I invite you freely to come to my home to stay. To see how I live. To meet my family. For you to see with your own eyes. I invite you to experience God who is Love without judgment, who is full of loving kindness and mercy and goodness. I invite you to talk to me openly in truth without hiding behind your two way mirror following me secretly. Invading and trying to degrade my dignity. And then I invite you to go back and write a beautiful poem for God. When you do this then I may come to read your brilliant poem by a brilliant poet.


  5. I invite you freely to come to my home to stay. To see how I live. To meet my family. For you to see with your own eyes. I invite you to experience God who is Love without judgment, who is full of loving kindness and mercy and goodness. I invite you to talk to me openly in truth without hiding behind your two way mirror following me secretly. Invading and trying to degrade my dignity. And then I invite you to go back and write a beautiful poem for God. When you do this then I may come back to read your brilliant poem by a brilliant poet.


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