The siege yellow – L’assedio del giallo – Asediul galbenului

Trilingual text

Mold on the doors, walls and eyelids
flowing from the eyes liquid pencils
On a yellow sheet that extends from almost near
A chorus haunting loner, or simply an echo
from the her footsteps, that has left, I make a tourniquet –
between the veins by walls gushing memories hemorrhagic and transparent as the time
In the fifth corner of the ceiling
crippled spider weaves his latest veil, confusing thread of light and falls
the yellow of sheet enveloping him as a requiem silent, leitmotif
I go against the echoes, crossing deaths, I rebelled, unloving
Graphite is shattered in the air, revealing the plot; the eyes depart on their own, far off,
the chorus called me back with diminutive as my mother


Muffa sulle porte, muri e palpebre
dagli occhi fluiscono matite liquidi
Su un foglio giallo che si estende da quasi vicino
Un coro vagante solitario, o semplicemente un’eco
dalle orme di quell’andata via, faccio un laccio emostatico –
tra le vene dei muri sgorga ricordi emorragico e trasparenti come il tempo
Nel quinto angolo del soffitto
ragno storpio tesse il suo ultimo velo, confonde filo di luce e cade
il giallo del foglio lo avvolge come un requiem silenzioso, leitmotiv
vado contro echi, attraversando le morti, ribellandomi, non-amando
grafite si cosparge nell’aria, rivelando la trama, gli occhi partono sul loro conto lontano
il coro mi chiama indietro per diminutivo come la mamma


Mucegai pe uși, ziduri și pleoape
Din ochi curg creioane lichide
Pe o foaie galbenă ce se-ntinde din aproape-n aproape
Un cor bântuie singuratic, sau doar un ecou
Din urma pașilor plecatei îmi fac un garou –
Prin venele zidurilor țâșnesc amintirile hemoragic și transparente ca timpul
Într-al cincilea colț al tavanului
Păianjen beteag își țese ultimul voal, confundă firul de lumină și cade
Galbenul foii îl învelește ca un mut prohod, leitmotiv
Pășesc contra ecou, străbat morțile, mă revolt deziubind
Grafitul se spulberă-n aer, divulgând trama, ochii pornesc pe cont propriu departe
Corul mă cheamă-napoi pe diminutiv ca și mama

12 gânduri despre „The siege yellow – L’assedio del giallo – Asediul galbenului

  1. i love your poetry but it is complex and my simple mind struggles to understand it.

    there are some very powerful lines here that do grab me…and I love them…but i wonder if i am grasping them as they are in YOUR heart and mind.


  2. being a student of literature and poetry, i well understand that the reader is free to interpret as he wishes, but it is not my wish to absorb myself in my perceptions but i would rather hear the pulse of the writers beat


  3. I am attempting to understand the function of this poem and though I find the images satisfying I cannot heads nor tails of them. My only interpretation is that the protagonist is composing the scene as he is looking up on it, thus the ‘liquid pencils’ that are ‘flowing from the eyes.’
    The ‘crossing deaths’ seems to perhaps be the collapse of the continuity of the creative process that the protagonist is achieving at each moment, thus the ‘Graphite is shattered in the air.’
    However that makes the line ‘revealing the plot’ confused, or is this plot akin to the un-manifest, the thing that creates?

    Really complicated imagery.


    1. really complicated picture and not only that
      by faulty translation metaphorical meaning is lost
      in this text many are speaking about loneliness, waiver unnecessary use
      the yellow of death lay siege on all
      even for those who know Romanian language is a coded text
      thank you very much


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