The Earth belongs to children all over the world – La Terra appartiene ai bambini di tutto il mondo – Pământul aparține copiilor din întreaga lume

though I’ve never touched these performances
such as children in this video
I remember my childhood living in Ceausescu’s dictatorship
today, how wrong direction pseudo-democracy in Romania,
I become nostalgic

copiii anche se non ho mai toccato queste performance
come ad esempio i bambini in questo video
Mi ricordo la mia infanzia vissuta nella dittatura di Ceausescu
Oggi, come è sbagliata la direzione della pseudo-democrazia in Romania,
divento …nostalgico

deși eu niciodată nu am atins aceste performanțe
precum copiii din acest video
îmi amintesc de copilăria mea trăită pe vremea dictaturii lui Ceaușescu
astăzi, după cât de greșită este direcția pseudo-democrației din România,
devin nostalgic

41 de gânduri despre „The Earth belongs to children all over the world – La Terra appartiene ai bambini di tutto il mondo – Pământul aparține copiilor din întreaga lume

  1. I don’t think they’re being used. They look like they’re having a good time, and a child normally wouldn’t be able to mask happiness. It’ll take too much effort, children are naturally too open and expressive- though the guitars look too big and heavy for them! I just wish they got them smaller ones.


  2. It is interesting to come back to this post and see all the varied responses.
    Other cultures do things differently and so I understand the differing responses and my response obviously comes from the perspective of my own culture and my own personal Charism of life, one of Tender Love. For me as a mother of 5 children of whom two are naturally musically talented, it does make me cringe that such small children have obviously endured such strict discipline in order to be so accomplished at such a young age, when they should be being children who are free of such oppressions. They do not look like naturally happy children to me, more like performing puppets :O(
    But I pray to God that I am wrong. †


  3. Eu nu imi amintesc mare lucru de vremurile comuniste, fiind nascuta in ’84, dar cand e vorba de muzica, si mai ales de copii cantand, asta imi atrage imediat atentia 😀


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