Eggs – Uova – Ouă

Trilingual post, english version by Mihaela Jahn


Today everybody invites you to drink with them
But nobody… to dinner
The woman has a portable computer, a portable man
And four shelves of cosmetics,
90 % of the wardrobe, 51% of the remote controls,
professional carrier, vices and services
The children belong to themselves, the leash holds a dog on each end, you and…
On the street, the passers-by can’t figure out which one is the genuine one
The hope for living is played on the stock exchange, in casinos, high offices
The adds advertise for a new brand of disgust: the crisis laid eggs
The famous lines of long ago moved to protest meetings
Something is to be had
They got in more stocks
They have a promotion today
Behind heavy curtains, the chosen ones, the anointed, cough rhetorically careless
Trams, trains, are trained to circulate on only one track
The other one, because of the crisis is sold abroad
Certain they, always paying attention, send the citizens electricity only on zero
And central heating through warm wishes in Christmas commercials
The atmosphere solidifies progressively, a sign of technological advance
We’re going to breath cakes of filtered oxygen
We won’t be asked anymore to donate blood, it will run in rivers on the streets, we will only be asked to sit on an egg now and then
The woman runs for the vacant position of husband
The man has a portable computer, a portable woman and
Aspiration draws the eggs, leash, protesting that there is also wireless..
And it prostitutes itself in the heated competition spirit of the market economy
With a sullen ego I munch on a snag of weekend and I change
Awaited at…
Today everybody invites you to have a drink with them but nobody.. to dinner
The significant decisions are taken by the back entrance In the house of the man in crisis there is no back door, the only guards are… the spiders
The modern mother hens already exceed in number the eggs, the crisis has been overcome…


Oggi tutti vi invita a bere con loro
Ma nessuno …a cena
La donna ha un computer portatile, un uomo portatile
E quattro scaffali di cosmetici,
il 90% del guardaroba, il 51% dal telecomando,
carriera professionale, i vizi e servizi
I bambini appartengono ai loro stessi, il guinzaglio detiene un cane su ogni estremità, voi e …
In strada, i passanti non riescono a capire… quale è il vero e proprio
La speranza di vita si gioca in borsa, nei casinò, nei uffici alti
I cartelloni pubblicizza un nuovo marchio di disgusto: la crisi ha fatto le uova
Le famose ,,stare in fila,, di tempo fa, si trasferì ai protesti
Qualcosa si darà
Hanno riempito i depositi
e hanno delle promozioni oggi
Dietro le tende pesanti, i prescelti, gli unti, tossiscono retoricamente spensierati
I tram, i treni, sono addestrati a circolare su una sola linea dal binario
L’altra, a causa della crisi, è venduta all’estero
Certo che, sempre portando cura della gente, si sta inviando l’elettricità ai cittadini solo sulla fase del nullo
e il riscaldamento centralizzato attraverso gli cordiali saluti dagli spot di Natale
L’atmosfera si solidifica progressivamente, segno di progresso tecnologico
Respireremo in blocchi di ossigeno filtrato
Non sarà più richiesto di donare il sangue, sarà fiumi per le strade, ma solo
di covare almeno un uovo
La donna corre per il posto vacante da… marito
L’uomo ha un computer portatile, una donna portatile e
aspirazioni, dipinge le uova, il guinzaglio, protestando che oggi c’è anche il wireless ..
E si prostituisce nello stesso spirito di concorrenza dell’economia di mercato
Io, con un ego imbronciato, burbero, sto sgranocchiare un mozzo di ,,fine settimana,, e mi trasformo in quello che …sempre sta aspettando
Oggi tutti si invita a bere un drink con loro, ma nessuno .. a cena
Le decisioni importanti sono prese dal l’ingresso posteriore
Nella casa di un uomo in crisi, non vi è alcuna porta sul retro, le uniche guardie sono … i ragni
Le chiocce già superano oggi il numero delle uova, perciò, la crisi è stata superata …


azi toți te invită să bei cu ei
dar nimeni… la masă
femeia are computer portabil, bărbat portabil
și patru rafturi de cosmetice
nouăzeci la sută din șifonier, cincizeci și unu din telecomandă
carieră, vicii și servicii
copiii aparțin lor înșiși, lesa ține la fiecare capăt câteun câine, tu și…
pe stradă trecătorii nu se dumiresc care-i cel veritabil
speranța de viață se trage-n bursă, la cazinouri, cabinete înalte
reclamele anunță o nouă marcă de lehamite: criza s-a ouat
celebrele cozi de odinoară s-au mutat la manifestații
se dă ceva
s-a băgat marfă
e ofertă azi
de după perdelele grele aleșii, numiții, tușesc retoric nepăsătorist
tramvaiele, trenurile, sunt dresate să circule doar pe-o șină
cealaltă, din motive de criză, pleacă la export
ei-ii anume fiind mereu pe fază, trimit cetățenilor curentul numai pe nul
și încălzirea centrală prin caldele urări din spoturile de Crăciun
atmosfera se solidifică progresiv, semn mersului tehnologic înainte
vom respira calupuri de oxigen tratat
nu se va mai cere să donăm sânge, va fi în fluvii pe străzi, ci doar
să clocim câteun ou
femeia candidează la postul vacant de soț
bărbatul are computer portabil, femeie portabilă și
aspirații, încondeiază ouăle, lesa, protestând că există și wireless…
și se prostituează în spirit de acerbă concurență în economie de piață
cu eul posac ronțăi un ciot de weekend și mă transform așteptabil la…
azi toți te invită să bei cu ei dar nimeni… la masă
deciziile semnificative se iau pe ușa din dos
la casa omului crizat nicio ușă nu-i din dos, au santinelă păianjeni…
cloștile moderne sunt deja mai multe decât ouăle, criza a fost depășită…

photos by internet

32 de gânduri despre „Eggs – Uova – Ouă

  1. This is today’s Henri Nouwen reflection

    ‘Our faith in God who sent his Son to become God-with-us and who, with his Son, sent his Spirit to become God-within-us cannot be real without our faith in the Church. The Church is that unlikely body of people through whom God chooses to reveal God’s love for us. Just as it seems unlikely to us that God chose to become human in a young girl living in a small, not very respected town in the Middle East nearly two thousand years ago, it seems unlikely that God chose to continue his work of salvation in a community of people constantly torn apart by arguments, prejudices, authority conflicts, and power games.

    Still, believing in Jesus and believing in the Church are two sides of one faith. It is unlikely but divine!’


  2. I believe in the Holy Trinity too.
    Valeriu maybe if things are wrong we have to pray and then speak out with clarity about what needs changing.
    Love is not an earthly desire.
    Love in The fundamental Truth.
    We have to live the way of Love.


      1. Forgive me for disagreeing – LOVE is LOVE. It is pure and untainted. There is no such thing as earthen love for there is only one kind of love which comes from the Most High. It overflows from Him to us and we share \ express this love to others in different contexts.


  3. For a man I think there is maybe absolute severed division between thee two ~ for a woman the two are intimately and personally connected ~ umbilically ~ which is why God chose a woman ~ a woman who could hold that Truth in Mary in pure authenticity ~ without ruining it.

    Love earthen and Love Divine is intimately entwined, only those who have the gift can see.


  4. (I wish you had a dyslexic edit button)
    For a man I think there is maybe absolute severed division between the two ~ for a woman the two are intimately and personally connected ~ umbilically ~ which is why God chose a woman ~ a woman who could hold that Truth in Mary in pure authenticity ~ without ruining it.

    Love earthen and Love Divine is intimately entwined, only those who have the gift can see.


  5. The trouble is . . . people don’t see that earthen Love and Divine Love are intimately entwined . . . they choose to ignore this fact . . . separate themselves from it ~ ‘father forgive them for they know not what they do’ . . . the secular world are not educated in such things, the spiritual and the physical are divided/severed thus . . . the secular world is hungry for a deeper love but they mistakenly seek it in undiscerned physical affection, and humanity pays the price for the broken down consequences.

    But when we know God we know that earthen Love and Divine Love are intimately One.


  6. Buna ziua!…De doua zile am schimbat numele la blog…deoarece au fost neintelegeri si am fost nevoita sa schimb numele la blog. Eu sunt aceiasi Ileana si va astept in casuta mea virtuala cand doriti si cand puteti!…O zi frumoasa alaturi de familie!…Noua mea adresa…

    Hello! … Two days ago I changed the name of the blog … because they were misunderstanding and I had to change the name of the blog. I am the same Ileana and wait in my virtual box when you want and when you can! … A beautiful day with your family! … My new address …


  7. „Today everybody invites you to drink with them, but nobody to dinner”- Let me think about that a spell…Could it be about the artists and poets who pour out their hearts over the blogosphere, hoping for connection with a kindred soul who might attend their crafted efforts and blood-spilled verse before their readers pass to the next new thing blared over the hectic soundscape earth?


  8. I have now followed a considerable body of your work, and I have a phrase in mind: ‘Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass’. Your poetry seems to me to betray a deeply implanted disenchantment, and I feel the desire to somehow raise you above your Slough of Despond and show you how much of the world is garbed in sheer, sincere and uninhibited delight! From joy love springs – from beauty, hope. By the way, I would certainly invite you to dinner.


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