your true belief – la tua vera fede – adevărata ta credinţă

trilingual text

Motto: 1 – Either we think we have freedom of choice, or destiny, together they can not be …
2 – Road to eternity, paradoxically, passes through at least one death…

What you saint: the coffee to morning,
impeccable stripe on pants,
the news in brief from seven o’clock,
the crowded subway, gate of institution, the card,
dentist appointments, a park bench,
the weekend spent at the only friend who supports you
and supports you, since you do not get more complaints about your problems…
What you have saint: the shopping cart in the supermarket,
the idea of church, watching her from the window of the bus, when you do not read the newspaper
and to you seems like a simple architectural element … What you saint:
collection of CDs, showcase with badges, the horoscope of the last page,
public own image, the chatter around your, the wire slides on the rebel front
this is


Motto: 1 – O pensiamo di avere la libertà di scelta, o il destino, insieme non possono essere …
2 – Strada per l’eternità, paradossalmente, passa per almeno una morte …

Quello che hai santo: il caffè al mattino,
striscia impeccabile sui pantaloni,
le notizie in breve dalle sette,
la metropolitana affollata, cancello di istituto, la carta bankomat,
appuntamento dal dentista, una panchina nel parco,
il week-end trascorso presso l’unico amico che ti sostiene
e ti sostiene, da quando non ti lamenti più dei tuoi problemi
Quello che hai santo: il carrello al supermercato,
l’idea della chiesa, guardandola dalla finestra del bus, quando non ti leggi il giornale
e a te sembra un semplice elemento architettonico … Quello che hai santo:
collezione di CD, vetrina con i distintivi, l’oroscopo dell’ultima pagina,
propria immagine pubblica, le chiacchere intorno a te, il filo ribelle che scivola sulla fronte
questa è


Motto: 1 – Ori credem că avem liberul arbitru, ori un destin, împreună acestea, nu se poate…
2 – Drumul spre veşnicie, paradoxal, trece prin cel puţin o moarte…

Ce ai tu sfânt: cafeaua de dimineaţă,
dunga impecabilă de la pantaloni,
ştirile pe scurt de la ora 7,
metroul aglomerat, poarta instituţiei, cardul,
programarea la dentist, o bancă din parc,
weekend-ul petrecut la unicul prieten care te mai suportă
şi te suportă de când nu i te mai lamentezi de propriile tale necazuri..
Ce ai tu sfânt: căruciorul de la supermarket,
ideea de biserică, privind-o de la geamul autobuzului, când nu citeşti ziarul
şi ţi se pare un simplu element arhitectonic… Ce ai tu sfânt:
colecţia de cd-uri, vitrina cu insigne, horoscopul de la ultima pagină,
imaginea ta publică, bârfa preajmei tale, firul rebel lunecându-ţi pe frunte
asta este


sito internet

27 de gânduri despre „your true belief – la tua vera fede – adevărata ta credinţă

  1. What you saint, never to be kissed. Never to be touched. To be unjustly unheld. worse unjustly held. What you saint to give your life to death and critisism whilst hypocrisy lives supreme. What you saint not allowed to be beloved whilst beloveds be. What you saint to live and die in God in grace uncomplaining. Whilst God lives and doesnt dare to die in thee. Just today somehow sinner seems far more appealing to me. Rivers uphill after rain!


  2. Nice, I like your motto 1. There is a Chinese word, yuanfen (缘分) which has an insight into the concept of freedom of choice and destiny: yuan (缘) brings two people together, and Fen (分) is the work necessary to fulfill this destiny. A mix of both choice and destiny…one of my favorite Chinese words. Cheers on another nice post Valeriu.


  3. The first picture really explains it all. Very inspiring. With the speed of no engine or tires required. Accomplising greats without extortion or deprivation. More freedoms with Liberty.


  4. we have freedom of choice: Light or Darkness. Unfortunately there’s no other choice for mankind. With light you find life, true life… eternal life, but your desires eventually start coming second and then suddenly without struggle or suffering you change- you become light, and nothing else matters. Just inner-peace. With Darkness, you do what apparently you want, but it isn’t in fact what YOU want, and it leads to an incredible dark void that no one deserves to endure. When one chooses light or darkness, they choose which destiny will be their…God Bless


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