without the churchs

trilingual text


let us imagine a moment the planet… without any church
without any priest
without any prayer, not even in stealthy
now, we go out from this nightmare … in which
even the atheists would be dismayed …
and we imagine this planet exactly as it really is
but, where
to we be all alive …look, you see? …
what the light goes ascend from earth to heaven? …
we too pressed the artificial worry, so we look between us with
orbits of eyes… empty
too we consider the churches as simple things architectonic, as a decor … museum …
and our prayers almost all are related to the verb to have
and not by… verb to be


cerchiamo di immaginare il pianeta un momento … senza nessuna chiesa
senza nessun sacerdote
senza nessuna preghiera, nemmeno in segreto
ora, usciamo da quest’incubo … che
anche gli atei sarebbero costernati …
e immaginiamo questo pianeta esattamente com’è realmente
ma, dove
siamo tutti …vivi … guarda, vedi? …
ciò che la luce sale dalla terra al cielo? …
troppo ci premono le preoccupazioni artificiali, ci guardiamo troppo tra noi
con le orbite degli occhi… vuote
troppo… consideriamo ogni chiesa come semplici cose architettoniche, come un decoro … museo …
e le nostre preghiere quasi tutti sono legati al verbo avere
e non dal verbo essere

să ne imaginăm o clipă planeta fără nicio biserică
fără niciun preot
fără nicio rugăciune, nici măcar tainică…
acum, să fugim din coşmarul acesta… în care
până şi ateii s-ar înspăimânta…
şi să imaginăm planeta aceasta fix aşa cum este ea în realitate
dar în care
să fim toţi vii cu adevărat, uite, vezi?…
ce lumină urcă dinspre pământ la cer?…
prea ne apasă griji artificiale, prea ne privim cu
găvanele goale
prea socotim bisericile simple chestii arhitectonice, decor… muzeu…
şi rugăciunile noastre sunt mai toate legate de verbul a aveaşi nu… a fi


38 de gânduri despre „without the churchs

  1. Another do I have it right. What do I do when the vast majority of my prayers are answered? Frankley rebuilding from those answered prayers required why you prayed for them to begin with. Must have had a reason to pray to begin with. So I don’t know or I don’t trust?


      1. Am… have been since I was 12. If each of us sees our need for religion in our own soul, then there is no need for God nor the church, for we all are. Religion is the crutch we need to walk our lives, because we can’t see that we don’t need it.



  2. „now, we go out from this nightmare … in which
    even the atheists would be dismayed …” I’m a staunch atheist and a lack of prayer wouldn’t dismay me in the slightest. Quite the opposite, I’d be delighted to be in a forward thinking world which bases beliefs on scientific facts and logic! I don’t mind people being religious, so long as they don’t attempt to force their views over mine.

    Incidentally, every single scientific study of prayer have no result at all. Food for thought.


      1. There was nothing, as posited thoroughly by the genius mind or Stephen Hawking. See „Curiosity: Does God Exist”. This is the difference between science and religion; the former is based on research, facts, and evidence. The latter on nothing but insane dogma.


      2. religion it means rebind, not just dogma
        the merit of all scientists no one can contest
        but, if you can find something…
        the one something already existed
        if there is a design must essistere a designer, look at the known universe
        (you read something by Rudolf Steiner?)


  3. Ive followed you poems just since I have noticed you following my blog.
    God wil remain beyond all. The beginning and the End.
    We as humans are made of 70% water. We know that water vapour rises. But best to remember that Love is not just of the spirit. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Whatever our chosen way.


  4. “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

    Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”


  5. It is so
    It is of course possible too, to loose sight of our humanity considering only our spiritual desires. One is the footnote t’other. T’is why God sent Christ as a fully human and fully Divine


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