what do you want

Motto: want imminent happiness – what do you make of this?

you just want to get – you know what to do with wealth?

I love and so… I never get bored,
invent worlds
I become coal in your fire – and what you want … counts
to would not want anything, it would be the same as a desire
I would like to … do not want anything … To tell the truth, so, I want everything…
I, for one, I want the juvenility, is the unique the most beautiful illusion
and I could have it
if I will opened the cage from other countless hoary illusions
but, just what you want counts…


Motto: vuoi imminente felicità – sai cosa fare di questa?

vuoi soltanto ricevere – sai che cosa fare con la ricchezza?

Io amo e così, non mi annoio mai,
invento dei mondi
divento il carbone nel tuo fuoco – e che cosa vuoi … conta
se non volessi niente, sarebbe lo stesso un desiderio
vorrei … non volere niente … A dire il vero, così vorrei il tutto…
Io, per esempio, voglio la giovinezza, è l’unica bell’illusione
e avrei potuto averla
se aprivo la gabbia ai altri, innumerevoli illusioni canuti
ma, proprio quello che vuole conta


Motto: vrei iminent fericirile – ştii ce să faci cu ele?

vrei doar să primeşti – ştii ce să faci cu belşugul?

iubesc şi astfel, nu mă plictisesc niciodată
inventez lumi
devin cărbuni focului tău – ce vrei tu contează
să nu mai vreau nimic ar fi tot o dorinţă
să vreau să nu mai vreau nimic! …De fapt aş vrea totul
eu, de exemplu, vreau tinereţe, este unica frumoasă iluzie
şi aş putea să o am doar dacă
aş deschide colivia celorlalte,
nenumărate iluzii cărunte
dar, ce vrei tu contează

15 gânduri despre „what do you want

      1. No thank you. People really have a hard time with this one. The more out there the better like this. I guess not enough people have ever been realesed from need to experience the joys and ability of want.


      2. Somehow some way we will find it together. People have to break out of need before it is passed on again. Hopefully they can loose those egos that keep them in those need states. My only solve here is to make more World Leaders in a varity of acomplishments but that takes a bit of time from the top down. That leaves some kind of community leader building to get ot the top. The joy of more want then need must be something passed on. I like your posts. They are good to learn from.


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