what would you want you to be

trilingual text


My father has taught me to count

taking me on his knees and… he dream

what can I become when I grow up

Mom it watched to me… and I grow seeing with eyes

so, the glances they… me grew, eh?

how I was bored  in their endless assumptions about my future …!

I just wanted to play out,  to be free …

my son – dad asked me –  what would you want you to be when you grow?

– Daddy, I want to pee …


Papà m’insegnava a contare

tenendomi sulle sue ginocchia… e sognava

cosa sarei diventato, una volta grande

Mamma mi guardava e io crescevo a vista d’occhio

perché era il suo sguardo che mi alzava, giusto?

Quanto mi annoiavano le loro infinite fantasie… sul mio futuro …!

Volevo soltanto andar fuori a giocare, essere libero …

figlio mio, chiese papà, cosa vuoi fare da grande?

– Papà, vorrei fare pipì …


tatăl meu mă învăţa să socotesc

ţinându-mă pe genunchii lui  şi visa

câte aş putea deveni când voi fi mare…

mama mă privea iar eu creşteam văzând cu ochii

deci privirea ei mă creştea, nu-i aşa?…

cât mă plictisea nesfârşitele lor presupuneri legate de viitorul meu…!

eu voiam doar… la joacă, afară, să fiu liber…

fiule, mă întrebă iar tata, ce ai vrea să te faci când vei fi mare?

– tati, vreau să fac pipi…

28 de gânduri despre „what would you want you to be

    1. Papà m’insegnava a contare

      tenendomi sulle sue ginocchia… e sognava

      cosa sarei diventato, una volta grande

      Mamma mi guardava e io crescevo a vista d’occhio

      perché era il suo sguardo che mi alzava, giusto?

      Quanto mi annoiavano le loro infinite fantasie… sul mio futuro …!

      Volevo soltanto andar fuori a giocare, essere libero …


      figlio mio, chiese papà, cosa vuoi fare da grande?

      – Papà, vorrei fare pipì …


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  2. This is the true love of poetry painted to a child, what is more poetry this one? would like to ask you to apologize been in Montenegro. rings always keep my promises. Rorytablogg ha ha … it was fun to wonder,,, you know! read what they write about me, I must be recycled, ha ah, but you must not be consumed first? seems like they once spent together ….. nicely written call


  3. yeah, I also try to leave my kids to be free, to play, I sometimes feel anxious when fellow friends and parents tell how many courses their 5-year old kids attend… We read to ours, help them with school but most of the time leave them to play.


      1. Absolutely. I attribute the ambitions of my friends towards their kids as a way to fulfill their unmet desires and ambitions. Which is wrong, totally wrong. If you feel you need to know well a foreign language learn it yourself, don’t push your 3 year old to English kindergarten.


  4. What a wonderful poem! I absolutely love it…especially the end, and the adorable photos. It is such a truth that we need to allow our children to be children and allow them to follow their own path…not the one we find for them.


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