Everything is poetry


Motto: I believe life is in essence … a matter of poetic

all seem stacked like a poem, as a ballad

I recite a verse the new wind

I recite a verse depths of the earth, echo of lost voices

I recite in dreams, the old man who I will be, probably

I recite the burns babies today …they are very sad

although, they not do anyone any reproach…

I recite the condensed water, above  …imminent rain

Just I am the remained… anchored to absurd issues, the money …

The Lord, the only true poet, does not require reward …

had to toil in the creation of the world …

all poets of world, why do not mimic… the way to the end…?


Motto: Credo che la vita è, in sostanza, … una questione di poetica

sembrano tutti accatastati come in una poesia, come una ballata

mi recita il vento nuovo una strofa

mi recita un versetto le profondità della terra, l’eco delle voci perse

mi recita nei sogni il vecchio che probabilmente sarò

mi recita i bambini oggi nati assai tristi …

anche se non fanno rimproveri a nessuno …

mi recita l’acqua condensata lì su, pioggia imminente

soltanto io sono rimasto ancorato nelle cose assurde, denaro …

Il Signore, l’unico vero poeta, non richiede ricompensa …

doveva faticare nella creazione del mondo …

gli poeti del mondo perché non lo imita… fino alla fine …?



Motto: viaţa cred că este în esenţa ei… o chestiune poetică

toate par aşezate ca într-un poem, ca într-o baladă

îmi recită vântul nou o strofă

îmi recită străfundurile Pământului o strofă, ecoul vocilor pierdute

îmi recită în visuri bătrânul care probabil voi fi

îmi recită copiii născuţi astăzi foarte trişti…

deşi ei nu fac nimănui vreun reproş…

îmi recită apa condensată sus, iminentă ploaie

doar eu ce am rămas ancorat în chestiuni absurde, banii…

Domnul, unicul adevărat poet, nu cere răsplată…

a trebuit să trudească la facerea lumii…

poeţii lumii… de ce nu-l imită până la capăt…?

32 de gânduri despre „Everything is poetry

  1. Ciao Valeriu!

    This is bellissima! I really enjoy your poetry. Thank you very much for putting it in English. My partner, Joseph is Italian. His mother is from Florence and has strong ties to Italy. She moved to America in the 1970’s. She is now very American i culture, not in cooking! When she returns to Italy every year, she is very much an Italian’s Itanlian! Joseph’s family speak fluent Italian. I do not, but maybe one day I will choose to learn. Joseph and his parents speak to our our 3 year old son in Italian. He understands everything they say, but is stubborn and responds in English. Maybe one day when we are in Italy, he will decide to speak. There is no doubt it will be less challenging for him that it is for me.

    Thank you for following my blog. It means a lot to me.

    Con amore, Amanda


    1. hello Amanda
      first of all say hello to your little one to three years …
      and your husband
      I’m really flattered by your words, thank you,
      I hope there will often follow …
      I wish you good luck and health
      if you go to Italy … done well, it’s beautiful …
      I am Romanian and I live in Rome


  2. Do I have this right? The wind does not have more hate then like in it to the end, the floor, the streets, the surfaces. Just a light touch can enrich you.


      1. I have been following you for sometime now a few months. I truly Love how you write and the way you express your poetry. Thanks so much for the likes. Have A Great Weekend.


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